Where : Studio HOP
4bis avenue de Rangueil 31400-Toulouse
2 Dancing rooms : Main + Micro

How to reach us -Where to stay
Normal route from the Airport to Toulouse center is to take the tramway line T1 that connects with metro line A and line B in Toulouse. Web site of public transportation in Toulouse https://www.tisseo.fr/en/network-maps
Unfortunately T1 connection to the airport is closed until end 2026. Meantime best is to take the airport shuttle bus (9€ , 1 bus every 15mns brings you to a metro line B station in 25mns).
A slower but cheaper alternative is to take bus 31 (1.8€) that connects to T1 tramway line
Studio hop is few minutes walk away from Metro line B stop "Saint Agne SNCF"
And don't forget Railway as an alternative to flights for coming to Toulouse. Best price on https://www.thetrainline.com/fr/compagnies-ferroviaires/sncf
Being close to a Line B metro station is certainly a good option when looking for accomodation. Metro service starts at 5:15am everyday. It stops at 3am on Friday and Saturday nights , and 12:00 the rest of the week (Sunday night)
There are plenty of accomodation options in TOULOUSE - Some links to find accomodation :
Hostel Youth : La petite auberge de St Sernin